Radiomapping: the guarantee of success for your IoT projects

You act as a facility manager for an industrial site or a commercial building manage you believe that IoT solutions can be the answers to your challenges. Have you checked and qualified your indoor coverage?

“Running a technial study on-site before chosing your network solution, with a radio mapping, is an economic way to ensure the success of your IoT project,” explains Nicolas MAURICE, support technician at adeunis.


Understand the context

a site visit

Benefit from an analysis report
& recommendations

On a condfidential industrial site

Private network

Goal: make sure that deploying a network with a good quality of service is possible in this specific site.


  • Large campus with various type of building (including confined spaces)

  • High expectations regarding data privacy and security

Challenge: find the best locations to install the gateways (for the private network) to provide the best quality of service.

In an airbase

Public network

Goal: to improve the energy performance of all buildings


  • Thermal insulation work has been carried out,
  • Ventilations and boiler rooms to be monitored,
  • A global solution for remote reading of underground meters has been implemented.

Challenge: find a network architecture to cover 100% of the area that needs to be equipped with sensors.


Network coverage

Public or private network

Goal: validate the positioning of the sensors.

  • Thanks to a Field Test Device, we check the quality of the coverage on specific locations that have been indentified before (using the plan of the building),
  • The reception quality (network coverage) is analysed at each point in order to validate the positioning of the sensor.

Analysis and recommendations report

The analysis report records the data of all measurements taken point by point, with a summary for each measured area.

“In the example of the industrial site, we took more than 180 catches in 35 areas and found that several areas were not covered by the network”, explains Nicolas Maurice.


It concludes with recommendations for improvements and suggestions for complete coverage of the site, according to many criteria:

  • Help in choosing a network, depending on the constraints (either the network solution is already chosen, whether public or private, or a network that offers the best coverage is recommended).
  • Recommendation of solutions to improve the quality in the restricted zones (additional gateway, network repeater, etc.).
  • Mapping gateways and sensors.

1 dedicated

IoT expert

Quick to implement: 2 weeks

Fixed cost versus ROI easily measurable



Thursday 18th February at 11am

Network test

Find out how Adeunis’ Field Test Device simplifies the analysis of NB-IoT and LTE-M networks.