


adeunis® launches a new offer of ready-to-use solutions. You now have the opportunity to purchase “Packages”, including an adeunis® Transmitter coupled to a Sensor, dedicated to a particular application.


The purpose of these solutions? Allow you to respond immediately to your needs and save valuable time:

  • Choice of Sensor performed.
  • Pre-wired Package for faster installation.
  • Configuration already optimized for the application concerned.

Commissioning becomes easier.

You want to:

  • Anticipate a tank overflow?
  • Be warned when opening a door?
  • Control your energy production?

The first three packages of this new IoT offer are now available:


Its role?

Monitor the evolution of a fluid level


Issues alerts to:

  • Prevent when the level goes up or goes down

  • Anticipate an overflow or an empty tank

Examples of use cases?

niveau cuve, bassin de rétention, bassin d'évacuation

Monitor the level of a pond or a tank, in order to anticipate and avoid overflows.

niveau buse évacuation eau

Monitor the water level in an evacuation nozzle to avoid overflows on roads or railways.

Its role?

Measure the current using an ammeter clamp


Issues alerts to:

  • Prevent in case of malfunction
  • Prevent in case of machine stoppages

Lets follow:

  • Energy production
  • Consumption

Examples of use cases?

Consommation machine alerte

Monitor the power thresholds and avoid consumption overruns depending on the contract power.

machines, serveurs, consommation, temps utilisation

Monitor the operation of equipment and anticipate malfunctions or know the time of use.

Its role?

Monitor the inputs / outputs of a room


Issues alerts in case:

  • Intrusion
  • Opening or closing
  • Exceeding the threshold of a certain number of openings / closings

Measure: the number of events issued over a period


Examples of use cases?

comptage ouverture fermeture

Know the frequency of use of an area (sanitary, meeting room) to plan its cleaning.

détection ouverture zone sécurisée

Detect an intrusion in a sensitive area or a building.