Controlling and reducing the thermal footprint of a building
Meeting regulatory requirements, reducing energy bills and guaranteeing good thermal comfort for users.

French company, based in Brest, Cool Roof develops and applies reflective paintwork on the roofs of buildings. This innovative resin makes it possible to increase the amount of radiation reflected by roofs and to limit the heat that comes from conduction inside buildings.
Market: French
Business sector: Green building
Building type: Large surface area, warehouse, public building, airport, hospital, barge
Objectives:Optimise the thermal management of buildings for energy and economic gain
Comply with the 2012 Thermal Regulations
With 42.5% of the total final energy consumed and the generation of 23% of greenhouse gas emissions, the building sector is the largest energy consumer in France. The 2012 Thermal Regulations (issued by Grenelle de l’Environnement) envisage a programme for controlling energy consumption: the building sector must find solutions for reducing its environmental impact.

Cool Roof provides building administrators with an innovative solution: the use of white roof paint acting as a reflector to significantly reduce the heat input through the roof buildings. This solution is beneficial, whether the building is air-conditioned or not:
- If the building is air conditioned, by limiting the heat input through the roof, managers will reduce their need and therefore their consumption of air conditioning, and thus reduce the energy impact of their building.
- In the second case, on the other hand, usually faced with significant overheating during periods of heat waves, buildings will see their indoor temperature decrease and administrators will be able to avoid air conditioning equipment, while providing greater comfort to their users.
The challenge of Cool Roof? Demonstrate the efficacity of its reflective paint by measuring temperature changes on a building before and after painting.
The Adeunis solution, marketed by Dataprint, is used by Cool Roof for two distinct periods:
- For the ExAnte building study: TEMP (temperature reading) sensors are placed on the roof and under the roof, inside buildings to assess the impact of the roof in the overheating of buildings.
- For the measurement of the effectiveness of the implementation: 3 weeks before the application of the paint to measure the changes in temperature of the building, before and after implementation of the solution.

For building administrators, the global Adeunis/Cool Roof solution has an immediate return on investment: they meet regulatory requirements, reduce their energy bills and guarantee good thermal comfort for users.
Manon Rosario, R&D ingenior at Cool Roof
Cool Roof teams thus benefit upstream from a precise indication of the heat data coming from a roof, which enables them to make a first diagnosis of heat loss and recommendation of application of their paint. Then, once the painting is done, they can make a before/after comparison and analyse reductions in energy consumption. These data make it possible to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Cool Roof solution, from both an energy and an ecological point of view.
Some numbers :
- E.Leclerc Quimper, 7000 m², savings 20 000 € / year in air conditioning
- Ecole Louis Blanc Paris, 35% reduction in hours of discomfort (T> 28 ° C) in classrooms, up to 6 ° C difference between the classroom with Cool Roof and the one without Cool Roof
- Péniche-Hôpital Paris, reduction of 6 ° C in average of the internal temperature felt (up to 15 ° C less during peaks of heat)