Hospitality: connect and control your fleet of buildings
SHELL gas stations
SHELL gas stations
Markets petroleum products and services around the world. SHELL operates 85 service stations in France.
Carries out all maintenance operations on the SHELL service station network in 17 countries.
No. 1 in business real estate consulting. Accompanies CBRE GWS in SHELL’s sustainable development strategy.
Supplier of connected sensors.
Accompanies the deployment strategy.
Provides connectivity services to the cloud through their Box.
Provides a software platform dedicated to energy and environmental performance.
CBRE, in charge of maintenance operations for the service station network, wishes to use the IoT to improve the remote operation of the buildings under its management. Its need: a complete solution that is easy to set up and use. To meet this need, teams from Adeunis, Energisme and Wattsense got together and worked together to develop the most suitable solution.
SHELL, a giant in the oil sector, has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions worldwide through a CO2 action plan.
In 2017, the multinational is adopting long-term objectives: a halving of the carbon footprint of its energy products by 2050, with a first step of 20% reduction by 2035.
CBRE GWS, in charge of maintenance operations for the network of SHELL service stations in 17 countries in Europe and Asia, is supporting them in the implementation of this plan.
The IoT is a tool that provides new solutions to facilitate the operation, maintenance and energy efficiency of service stations, even on several remote sites. The solution put in place should enable skills to be pooled between the different sites for greater optimisation.
Jointly, the teams of the different stakeholders took the time to analyse the buildings and their activities to define the project structure and establish the application cases. While the initial objective was to identify possible applications of the IoT to optimise energy performance, it emerged from the various exchanges that other related applications could also be implemented, in particular to optimise equipment monitoring and maintenance, improve the well-being of site users and meet regulatory requirements.
In order to demonstrate how the concept works, it was decided to deploy it on a pilot site: the SHELL service station on the A7 motorway, Roussillon area. The aim of this first stage is to test the hypotheses put forward before a large-scale launch.
In order to confirm the good coverage of the LoRaWAN network and to guide the teams in the installation of the sensors, a site review and radio-mapping was carried out by Adeunis and CBRE.
This study was carried out using a Field-Test-Device to measure the state of the available network at different points.
Given the layout of the site (buildings on 3 levels), it was decided to use a private network (LoRaWAN via the Wattsensebox) to optimise the coverage on all the points (more than 20).
With the information obtained, the location of the sensors could thus be defined.
The deployment and installation of the entire solution was therefore carried out at the pilot site. The solution consists of the following elements:
Need: to measure and control the temperature of the DHW loop, to prevent the risk of legionella proliferation.
Since 2010, all ERPs are legally required to control the temperature of the water in their DHW (Sanitary Hot Water) circuits. This must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 55°C between the point of distribution and the point of drawdown. This is the threshold below which the deadly legionella bacteria can proliferate.
Solution: installation of TEMP2S IoT sensors.
Need: Temperature monitoring of refrigerated cabinets, open chillers and cold rooms (positive and negative).
Food in refrigerated cabinets or cold rooms in restaurants must be kept within a fixed temperature range to avoid any risk of spoilage or even food poisoning.
It is therefore necessary to know continuously the temperature of this equipment and to be alerted as soon as possible in case of exceeding the threshold and therefore failure.
Solution: installation of TEMP IoT sensors.
Need: Temperature monitoring in the waste storage area
This zone must be kept within a fixed temperature range. The room temperature, as well as the opening of the doors (external access to the building) is therefore controlled.
Solution: installation of DRY-CONTACTS IoT sensors.
Need: to know in real time the ambient temperature and humidity of the spaces used by the public (shop, hall, restaurant area).
Any exceeding of the threshold is recorded and triggers an alert allowing to act as quickly as possible to detect and solve the malfunction.
Solution installation of COMFORT IoT sensors.
Need: To be alerted in case of too great a drop in the level of water present in the fire tanks in order to avoid any risk of unavailability in case of fire.
Solution: Installation of DOUBLE LEVEL SENSOR IoTsensors.
Need: To be informed, via an alert when a leak in the oil tanks is detected.
Solution: installation of DRY-CONTACTS IoT sensors.
Need: To be informed, via an alert, when the emergency system is activated on the fuel intake runways.
Solution: installation of TEMP + CONTACT SENSOR IoT sensors.
Need: remote access to the temperature data of the heating controllers to check compliance with the heating setpoints
Solution: installation of the Wattsense Box which communicates via LPB with the RVL 480 equipment.
○ Monitoring of temperature data
○ Remote configuration
○ Optimization of heating circuits
The deployed solution saves a considerable amount of time, is easy to install, simple to use, data is available quickly and efficiently. It is no longer necessary to travel to get the information.
After analysis of the results obtained on this first pilot site, the objective is to reproduce this model on other SHELL stations in France.
Reduced response time
Real-time information on critical equipment alarms (e.g. fuel tank leak detection).
Improve energy performance
Better knowledge and control of the energy expenditure of the various equipment.
Reduction of operating costs
No more need to move crews around to check the operating status of equipment.
Improve the well-being
Better knowledge and control of ambient temperature and equipment operation.
Discover other uses of IoT for more connected buildings
expertise to support you, from the diagnosis to the implementation of your solution
Thursday 18th February at 11am
Find out how Adeunis’ Field Test Device simplifies the analysis of NB-IoT and LTE-M networks.